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The Transformation of the Wolf People into Huichols and the Origin of the Peyote Tradition
The Transformation of the Wolf People into Huichols and the Origin of the Peyote Tradition
The Transformation of the Wolf People into Huichols and the Origin of the Peyote Tradition
DepartmentLatin America

The Transformation of the Wolf People into Huichols and the Origin of the Peyote Tradition

NameYarn Painting
Maker Mariano Valadez (born 1952)
CultureHuichol; Wixárika
Place madeSantiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit, Mexico, North America
MediumYarn, beeswax, wood
Dimensions44 7/8 in. (114 cm)
Credit LineMuseum of International Folk Art, IFAF Collection, FA.1989.28.1
Object numberFA.1989.28.1
DescriptionRound yarn painting. Depicts the wolf people learning about peyote and becoming human. Vibrant colors- Blue, orange, green, predominate center has offering bowl with 2 deer surrounded by 2 snakes. The sun is at top with 2 deer guardian spirits. Wolf people at bottom.
Ex-voto wall hanging
Artist Not Recorded
ca. 2000
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